March 13, 2023

How to Promote Your Gift Cards and Webshop!

How to Promote Your Gift Cards and Webshop!

So you've signed up to Toggle. You've set up your shop with (at least) a gift card, and you’re good to go!

But, without the right exposure, those products aren't going to sell themselves! There’s some key ways you can get the good word out about your gift cards, experiences, merch and more.

Here is how to get the most out of your shop (with some pretty visual aides, to bring it to life).

1) Link your Toggle shop from your home page

It sounds like a simple step, but you'd be surprised at the amount of brands that simply forget about it, or hide the link deep in the deepest, darkest depths of their website. 

Remember: setting up gifting is SMART marketing. Be proud about it, and scream it from the hills of your website. 

Without an easily accessible link to your shop, your guests could get bored or frustrated just trying to locate your wonderful products. Which would mean a loss in revenue. 

Remember: Be a marketer. What should the link say to get people to shop with you? The example here says ‘Shop’, but this could be ‘Gift Cards’ or ‘Experiences’ or ‘Do yourself a favour and buy your mum that Afternoon Tea for Mother’s Day that you WILL forget about’.

Make the commute between website and shop seamless.

Nobody likes commuting. Not even train conductors. And their job is commuting. 

But there are things you can do to make commuting fun! The first step of this is setting the shop's custom URL.

It's easy to do and makes everything look much more professional.

Bonus point: the closer the custom URL is to your main page, the less the guest will think about having changed websites, which means they will feel more secure and know that they’re still spending money on the brand that they love.

Visual blending (or as we call it, the electronic smoothie).

Another quick win is to perfect the visual blending from website to Toggle shop.

Your branding should be consistent between the two sites.

2) Promoting your Toggle shop on social media.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn or whatever the hell

B-Reel is, we know you are putting yourselves out there on social media.

One thing we've noticed from our Togglers, is that the most successful of them aren’t just posting links to their Toggle shops on social media, But they also update their social followers on Toggle promos! Are you offering £10 extra value on a £50 card, or do your experiences have 20% off?


Whether you've set up a promotion for Black Friday, or just want to shout about your gift cards in general. Any extra platform you can post about your shop has the potential to help drive extra sales.

Remember, you can't go wrong with images with BIG, SIMPLE MESSAGES.

3) Let your products multiply like rats.

A horrible analogy? Yes.

Did you get our point? We hope so.

Having multiple products on your Toggle shop (e.g. Gift Cards and Experiences) doesn't just tap into different sales opportunities and appeal to various target audiences (although the power of those things alone shouldn't be understated…)

It also has the added bonus of making the shop page look objectively prettier!

A single item will take up most of the screen whereas multiple items spread themselves out equally across the page. See above, how each item’s tablet is sat besides each other.

No scrolling.

More money. 

Wider Audience.

Prettier site. 

Happier Boss. 

4) Did we mention GIFs?

One more thing... Our Dev team REALLY wants you to know that you can use GIF files as the images on your Toggle Shop.

They’ve been turning up outside this author's house. They’ve been hacking my computer. They even replaced my mum with a keyboard. 

So I am hoping, now, they will be satisfied with the message being out there.

Use GIFs.