May 16, 2024

Father’s Day Facts: The Guide to Toggle Gifting Trends

Father’s Day Facts: The Guide to Toggle Gifting Trends
Father's Day is almost here, and the scramble to find the perfect gift for Dad is officially on! We’re giving you the inside scoop on what’s hot in the world of Father’s Day gifting on Toggle to help you prep your webshops for the special day.
Last-minute gifting galore

Toggle trends show that Father’s Day is the ultimate showdown for last-minute shoppers. This year, we’re expecting a whopping £240,000 worth of gift cards to fly off the virtual shelves on the big day itself. That's a whole lot of "Oops, I forgot!" moments that you can turn into instant digital delight - just make sure you’ve got your emails set up and ready to go in Airship!

Weekly sales madness

The week leading up to Father’s Day is a big deal for our Togglers! Sales are predicted to skyrocket by over £1.2 million. And guess what? A hefty 20% of those gift cards are being snapped up in venues just days before D(ad)-Day. It’s a mad dash, and we’re here for it. You don’t want to miss out on sales, so make sure you’ve got your physical cards visible in your venues, you can even print some promotional posters, or table talkers to encourage guests to make a purchase! 

Promotional shenanigans

Togglers are getting in on the Father’s Day action with some seriously tempting deals. One clever Toggler saw a 36% boost in basket spend thanks to their “Spend £50, We Add £25” promo. People love the extra bang for their buck and you can bring in more promised future revenue. Talk about a win-win!

How about experiences?

Move over, boring ties and socks! This year, although there isn’t usually a huge uplift on experience sales in the run up to Father’s Day the same way we do when it’s Mother’s Day, there is a small surge in Father’s Day experiences like brewery tours and beer masterclasses. Even though these experiences only make up 7% of all product sales, they’re definitely making a splash. Who wouldn’t want to swap a tie for a pint and some quality time?

Early bird gets the (last-minute) sales

Attention, Togglers: if you want to catch some last minute Father’s Day cash, timing is everything. Just like on Christmas Day, the peak sales hour on Father’s Day is between 8am and 9am. So, use Airship to get your emails out early and reel in the sleepy-eyed forgetful shoppers before they’ve had their morning coffee.

TL DR; Toggle sales in June peak the week leading up to Father's Day, promotions are not the driver of sales on Father’s Day, however customers who did have promotions did see increased sales, and the most popular time for Father's Day sales is between 8am and 9am on the day itself, so make sure you get a reminder email sent out on the morning of Father’s Day to boost last minute sales.